Measurement sensor for size


System LPR


CROSSWIM control unit


Variable message sign


Pre-selection for consequential offense solution on the spot


Building, maintenance and operation of road communications tend to be very costly. It is in the interest of every road administrator to keep the lifetime of communications as long as possible.

Each communication is designed for a specific vehicle load.

However, if this load is exceeded, especially for longer and repeated periods of time, such a situation significantly contributes to reduction of the lifetime of road communications.

Overloaded trucks, inappropriate or irregular distribution of load within vehicles in combination with high vehicle speed significantly contribute to road network damage and reduction of lifetime of road communications.

Exceeded speed limit has also a negative impact on the road safety and the flow of traffic (see e.g. accidents.)

ALAM Ltd. brings proven and progressive solutions of company CROSS that enable you to collect information about vehicles causing the damage, or threatening in any way the road safety or the flow of traffic.

Company CROSS is a producer of accurate and reliable systems:
  • for automatic vehicle counting and vehicle classification
  • for weigh-in-motion applicable in a wide spectrum of various road infrastructures, even at extreme load.
Along with the camera systems for detection of vehicle number plates, these are the best systems available for:
  • Simple detection of vehicles regarding their number, speed and category,
  • detection of overloaded vehicles
  • collecting a toll
We offer:

Automatic traffic counter CROSS ASD 3 designated for counting (number, speed) and vehicle classification (vehicle category)

CROSS WIM weigh-in-motion system designated for automatic dynamic weighing, in a wide range of speeds and number of lanes.